U.T.D.P., Traffic Management Program (Greater Beirut)

Project Info

  • Construction Date

    April 2006

  • Expected End Date


  • Project Type

    Infra-structure Works (Sub-Contract)

  • Client

    Telvent Trafico y Transporte, S.A. - Main Contract with C.D.R.

  • Contract/ Work Amount (Including Amendments)

    US$10.12 Million

  • % of Completed Works As of June 30, 2011


  • Project Consultant

    IBI Group & Team International

Implementing traffic management on around 200 Kms of roadways and 210 intersections in Greater Beirut Area, including 80,000m curbstones; 85,000m2 cement and interlocking tiles; 15,000m3 asphalt concrete surface wearing course; roadway marking; 4,500 traffic signs supplied and installed; traffic canalization and geometric changes; Removal and/or relocation of existing utilities (street lighting, electrical pole, drains,…).